Thursday, 24 May 2018

Two Words To Erase From Your Mind

I hear it all the time.  A friend is telling me something and before she finishes, there’s a pause.  She might clear her throat and crinkle her eyebrows.  Then she says, “Oh dear, another senior moment.”

Usually the person is over 50 – but lately I’ve been hearing it even from men and women in their 40s.

I have no idea who started that saying, “senior moment.”  It may have been funny the first ten times but now it’s in the mainstream of our language and it’s no laughing matter.

Although it seems harmless, when we say “senior moment,” we’re reinforcing and accepting a belief about our own aging.  We’re actually saying that we’re losing mental ability and that we accept it.

Realize that having your mind momentarily go blank happens to everyone.  Often it’s because your brain is full of various things that are vying for your attention.  If you feel the need to fill the silence gap, just mention that you have so many exciting things to tell and they’re all coming to the front of your mind at once.

Our words are very powerful, whether we’re saying them out loud or silently as thoughts.  Your words program your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind programs your biology.  Recent studies in neuroscience and cell biology show this to be true.

It’s important to stop “telling” your subconscious that you accept the belief that loss of mental ability is natural as you age.  Become conscious of what you are saying and thinking, and make it a habit to catch yourself before you utter the words, “senior moment.”  If they slip out occasionally, that’s okay.  Just start again to erase those two words from your vocabulary.

And here’s a way to program your brain with positive words:  whenever you’re telling someone something and the next thought seems to disappear, mentally say, “I have a clear, sharp mind,” before continuing.  Say it often enough and your brain will take the command and run with it.

For more in-depth information, read PRAYER IS GOOD MEDICINE: How to Reap the Healing Benefits of Prayer by Larry Dossey, M.D. – and The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention by Dr. Dawson Church.

You CAN affect your health by choosing positive and affirming thoughts!

Words are very powerful. Catch yourself each time you tell your subconscious mind that your memory’s not what it used to be.

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This transformational book of Mind Body Spirit habits could change your life forever.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018


First, cut this out and put it on your refrigerator with some magnets:


Tell the person:
S   “Smile.”
T   “Talk to me. Say, ‘Mary had a little lamb.’”
R   “Raise both arms.”
O   “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue.”
Then you:
K   Kall 911 if the person has trouble with any ONE of these.
E   Educate others on these signs.

I’ve received a forwarded email several times in the past few years about how to tell if someone is having a stroke.Usually I just delete those emails that are circling the planet but occasionally I’ll open them for some important message or a good belly laugh. Don’t count on me though, to forward it to seven or nine or however many friends.

The one I looked at today was one of the important ones -- ways to identify a stroke and save lives.  And AGAIN I printed it out because I hadn’t memorized it any of the other times I’d read it.

But it’s four pages (!) - not a short, concise thing I can put on my refrigerator. Whoever wrote it made a valiant attempt to make it easy for us to memorize by having us remember the first three letters of STROKE. Then I got the idea to use ALL the letters and to share it with my readers. 

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within three hours, he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke…TOTALLY.  The trick is recognizing the signs of a stroke and then getting the patient medically cared for within three hours, which rarely happens. Oftentimes a stroke victim will say they just had a dizzy spell or tripped on something. It takes fast action by someone who knows the signs of a stroke.

If someone falls and seems somewhat disoriented or a bit shaken up, use these tips immediately. Look for slurred speech and weak muscles. When they stick out their tongue, if it’s crooked or goes to one side, that also indicates a stroke.

Yeah, so I can’t spell – but Kall 911 gets the point across. 

Growing younger means living a long, long time and having a strong, healthy body and clear, sharp mind until the day you leave this planet. Know how to recognize the signs of a stroke and you may be able to save a life and help someone avoid serious brain damage.  Pass it on.